National identity of the individual and modern transformations in the historical field of secondary school knowledge

Keywords: content of school education, historical field of knowledge, textbooks, curricula, state standards, suistanable personal development


The article deals with regulatory, scientific and practical issues related to the analysis of the processes of transformation of the historical educational field of school (curricula, textbooks), which are aimed at developing the national identity of the individual through new educational lines and rethinking the historical past and the activities of Ukrainian society in building the statehood.

We have come to the conclusion that the relevance of the problem of transforming historical education through content, updating metodological tools, rethinking and decolonising information about historical processes is not yet complete, it requires further research, analysis and adjustment of understandings.



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How to Cite
Bezena, I. (2024). National identity of the individual and modern transformations in the historical field of secondary school knowledge. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (54), 6-14.