Education of the intellectual elite of the nation on the basis of academic integrity: foreign and Ukrainian experience

Keywords: education, intellectual elite, Ukrainian nation, academic integrity, giftedness, development, child, foreign and domestic experience


The authors proposed, based on Ukrainian and foreign experience, the theory and model of giftedness:

1. Joseph Renzulli's model, which consist of three elements: a higher level of intelligence, increased motivation and creativity.

2. Models of learning gifted children: model of acceleration, model of deeping, model of enrichment and model of problematization.

Five types of gifted children according to H. Betts and M. Neihart are characterized: successful, autonomous, hidden, lost and doubly gifted.


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How to Cite
Oksana Anatolyivna Zhernovnykova, Oksana Anatolyivna Kovalenko, Tamara Ivanivna Deynichenko, & Lubov Mykolayivna Kovalenko. (2023). Education of the intellectual elite of the nation on the basis of academic integrity: foreign and Ukrainian experience. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (53), 99-108. Retrieved from