Peculiarities of communication of the participants of the educational process in the conditions of martial state

Keywords: communication tools, social communication, formative assessment, distance learning, psychological state


The article explores the significance of the communication process among participants in the educational process. It describes the functionality of using information technologies as tools for online education in the modern learning process. The importance of considering the psychological state of teachers and students during the educational process is characterized, and methods of stabilizing the mental state of higher education seekers in times of war are provided.
It is established that the use of distance learning technologies and social communication tools contributes to the increased motivation of higher education seekers and ensures the implementation of online learning as a whole. Since information technologies play a leading role in disseminating educational material among a large audience, and distance learning platforms offer students numerous advantages, the relevance of researching communication features between the teacher and the student in conditions of wartime is emphasized.



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How to Cite
Natalya Derevianchenko, & Tetiana Nekrashevych. (2023). Peculiarities of communication of the participants of the educational process in the conditions of martial state. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (53), 24-31. Retrieved from