Digital competence of higher medical education students in the context of today`s challenges

Keywords: digital competence, professional competence, digital technologies, digital learning applications, methods in higher education


The importance of digital competence for higher education students cannot be overstated. In today`s world, digital technologies are everywhere and this fact changing the way we live, work and learn. To be succesful in studies of digital technologies, students must develop the skills and knowledge necessary to use these technologies effectively. Digital competence is particularly important in higher education, where students are expected to engage in independent research, critical thinking and collaborative learning. The purpose of the article is to investigate the importance of using new methods in higher education and highlight some of the most promising methods that are currently used, to consider the importance of forming digital competence of students of higher medical education. The article reveals the essence of digital competence of students of higher medical education institutions in the context of studying language disciplines.


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How to Cite
Tetiana Nekrashevych. (2023). Digital competence of higher medical education students in the context of today`s challenges. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (52), 102-108.