Formation of culture of communication in the student environment of the higher medical education institution

Keywords: higher medical educa on, educa onal process, culture, communica on, communica on skills, social and humanitarian disciplines


The ar cle intensifies the idea of preparing future doctors for professional communica on with colleagues and pa ents in the context of healthcare reform and higher medical educa on. There is a discrepancy between the needs of society in highly skilled medical professionals and the lack of a high level of culture of communica on between doctors and pa ents. The concept of “communica on culture of future docors” as a personality-professional neoplasm of the personality is specified. The results of the survey of higher educa on applicants are analyzed in order to iden fy the reasons that hinder the forma on of communica on culture in the student environment.  The scien fic novelty consists of the pedagogical condi ons of forming the culture of communica on of future doctors, determined by the author, as: the content and character of the teacher’s ac vity should promote the development of the communica ve quali es of higher educa on applicants; crea ng an interac ve environment that promotes a culture of communica on; the teacher has his own example of demonstra ng a high level of communica on culture both in the educa onal and in the extracurricular me.  Prac cal importance is the proposals to use the educa onal and educa onal poten al of the social and humanitarian disciplines to increase the level of culture of communica on of future doctors; recommenda ons for developing and conduc ng a quest on the topic: “Ethics of doctor’s professional communica on with pa ents” for teachers and higher educa on graduates of different educa onal levels.


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How to Cite
Фоміна, Л. В. (2019). Formation of culture of communication in the student environment of the higher medical education institution. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (45), 85-91.