Principles and methods of organization educational training

  • І. А. Прокопенко
Keywords: educational training, principles, methods, organization, educational environment, institution of higher education


The article deals with the problem of organizing training in the educational environment of higher education institutions. The author defines the essence of the concepts «education training» and sets out the peculiarities of the organization of training in the educational environment of higher education institutions. The following principles of organization educational training are characterized: the principle of dialogue of interaction, the principle of voluntariness, the principle of activity, the principle of psychological events, the principle of self-diagnosis, the principle of materialization, the principle of statements personification, the principle of emphasizing the language of feelings, the principle of trust in communication, the principle of confidentiality, the principle of research creative position, the principle of awareness of their own behavior, the principle of partner (subject-subjective) communication. In the process of research to the basic methods of organizing and conducting educational training traditionally included a group discussion, game techniques (role and business games) and psychogymnastics. The article classified the game methods in the practice of training groups as: virtual-role, didactic, creative, organizational-activity, imitation, business. The author proved that the training methods relate to educational methods, the purpose of which is mastering psycho-pedagogical knowledge, as well as the development of communicative and organizational skills.


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How to Cite
Прокопенко, І. А. (2017). Principles and methods of organization educational training. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (40), 141-151. Retrieved from