Automated management system of vehicle management between the city

  • Д. Г. Богуто
  • В. І. Волинець
  • П. К. Ніколюк
  • П. П. Ніколюк
Keywords: clever intersection, piezocrystalline sensor, oriented multigraph, simulation modeling, JPS-navigator


The intellectual traffic regulation technology for a big city which prevents traffic jams is presented. The traffic problem is proposed to be solved by controlling the regulation of traffic flows at separate intersection as well as within an entire metropolis. The choice of the most optimal route is based on monitoring the traffic situation in the constant control mode and the route correction for each vehicle which requests the route from the central office of traffic management (COTM).


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How to Cite
Богуто, Д. Г., Волинець, В. І., Ніколюк, П. К., & Ніколюк, П. П. (2017). Automated management system of vehicle management between the city. Bulletin of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series «Mathematical Modeling. Information Technology. Automated Control Systems», 35(1), 5-12. Retrieved from