Forecasting and analytics in virtual distributed systems: Using machine learning models and analytical tools

Keywords: virtual distributed systems (VDS), architecture synthesis, LSTM, load forecasting, Input Gate, Forget Gate, Output Gate, attention mechanism


This scientific article is devoted to the development of a conceptual model for the synthesis of the architecture of virtual distributed systems (VDS). The article examines key aspects of virtual distributed systems, including hardware, hypervisors, virtual machines, and management modules. The methodological principles of architecture synthesis are highlighted, starting from the analysis of system requirements, architecture design, implementation and testing, ending with the evaluation and optimization of VRS performance. The article emphasizes the importance of each stage in this process, emphasizes the need for a deep understanding of system requirements and the selection of appropriate technologies. The article pays special attention to the role of hypervisors and virtual machines in VRS, their connection to hardware and resource management capabilities. This article will be useful for virtualization and computing researchers and practitioners who are designing or optimizing virtual distributed systems. The article is devoted to important issues related to forecasting and optimization of virtual distributed systems, which is a key element of modern technological infrastructures. With the development of computing technologies and artificial intelligence, the need for effective resource management and support of high throughput in computing systems is increasing. The purpose of this scientific work is to research and analyze the application of machine learning algorithms, in particular LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) and the attention mechanism, for forecasting and optimization of virtual distributed systems. The paper seeks to examine in detail how these technologies can improve resource management, provide higher efficiency and throughput of systems, and analyze how they help identify potential problems and optimize resource allocation based on accurate forecasts and historical data analysis. This paper uses various research methods, which include


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Author Biography

Denys Telezhenko, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Svobody Square, 4, Kharkiv-22, Ukraine, 61022

PhD student




How to Cite
Telezhenko, D. (2023). Forecasting and analytics in virtual distributed systems: Using machine learning models and analytical tools. Bulletin of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series «Mathematical Modeling. Information Technology. Automated Control Systems», 60, 46-51.