Mathematical models and approaches in simulation of RRS-based laser sensor system
The article is devoted to the research of mathematical models and approaches in simulation of laser sensor systems based on retroreflective sheeting (RRS) usage. The subject of the study is the mathematical model of the research object - the processes of propagation of a light in the medium and its transformation on retroreflectors with further analysis of the reflected radiation, which, being modulated by interaction with objects in the system, carries information about the state of the system. Overview of existing studies has been made. The analysis of existing approaches to simulation methods has been carried out, as well as the analysis of existing models. Common elements of models applicable in different fields and contexts of such systems have been determined. The scientific methods of research are outlined, such as comparative analysis while studying similar systems, conducting physical experiments in laboratory conditions with a prototype of a computerized detection system for observing phenomena in the system, their systematization and description, synthesis of a mathematical model based on the obtained data, creation of a computer model and, after its verification, and conducting computer experiments. The typical research schema is proposed, suggesting such main stages in simulation modeling of the laser sensing systems based on RRS as generation of the laser emission light field structure, interaction of the light field with environment, transformation of the APD inside the RRS, finding the APD in the reception zone, converting the resulting APD into a photocurrent, finding dependencies between parameters, evaluating detection efficiency, system optimization. The analysis of strong points of different approaches has been made. Some major aspects to be considered when choosing the appropriate method have been pointed out. The guiding principles for the general modeling of such systems illustrated with original concrete examples of such models verified in practice are presented.
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