Development of basic approaches to creating hardware and software for radiation monitoring information systems
Basic approaches to creating hardware and software for radiation monitoring information systems have been developed in the article. A modern information system for radiation monitoring and control that requires a comprehensive approach and an iterative process of its creation has been developed. The proposed approach to integrating local measuring devices with cloud services, using M2M/IoT technology for remote measurements, advanced semiconductor sensors based on CdTe and CdZnTe radiation detectors, modern microcontroller and communication microchips is highly promising. Developed hardware and software solutions demonstrate increased accuracy due to hardware and software correction of measurement results. A variant of the architectural solution for building a platform for remote access to dosimetric and radiometric measurements is being developed. The solution lies in the direction of improving the parameters of detectors, as well as the characteristics of electronic modules of detecting systems and creating software for controlling the detection process, collecting and digital processing of information, and its adequate presentation to users online. The architecture and structural diagram of a dosimetric system, a sequence diagram, a diagram of a dosimetric system with a subsystem for data exchange over the Internet have been created. A new algorithm for measuring the exposure dose rate of ionizing radiation has been proposed. The block diagram of a microcontroller dosimeter has been developed. The algorithm for correcting the dependence of the sensitivity of the detector based on CdZnTe on the energy of the detected gamma quanta has already been proposed. The algorithm significantly reduces the uncertainty of measuring the radiation dose rate. The architecture and block diagram of the dosimetric system with the possibility of remote access and remote control of the main functions has been presented as well. The calculation of the exposure dose of gamma radiation and the power of the exposure dose with the energy dependence correction have been used. The system elements have proved to be useful for students’ distant laboratory work during the quarantine.
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