Modelling of the Response of Laminated Glazing on Static and Dynamic Loading

  • Наталія Володимирівна Сметанкіна
  • Сергій Вікторович Угрімов
  • Олександр Миколайович Шупіков
Keywords: laminated glazing; impulse loading; overpressure; immersion method


The method for analysis of the stress-strained state of laminated elements of the airplane glazing at effect of different operational factors is proposed. The method is based on the advanced glazing model and the method of immersing of an area of complicated shape in plan view to a canonical shape area. The problem is reduced to integration of systems of the singular integral-differential equations. Strains and stresses in layers of glazing elements under impulse and static loading are investigated. The theoretical results are consistent with experimental data.


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How to Cite
Сметанкіна, Н. В., Угрімов, С. В., & Шупіков, О. М. (2015). Modelling of the Response of Laminated Glazing on Static and Dynamic Loading. Bulletin of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series «Mathematical Modeling. Information Technology. Automated Control Systems», 27, 150-156. Retrieved from

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