Hardware-software complex for psychological and professional diagnostics with the remote control function

Keywords: psychophysiological state; professional availability; response time to stimuli; hardware-software complex; microcontroller; IoT; cloud server


The software-hardware complex for studying the speed of human response to light, color, sound and tactile stimuli, which is an integral part of a unified information-measuring and control system of decision-making in the area of diagnosing the professional fitness and psychophysiological state of a person has been developed. The simplified system architecture for working with IoT service ThingSpeak is provided. The developed software allows measuring the time of a simple sensorimotor reaction to light and sound, the time of a complex sensorimotor reaction to light, the critical frequency of fusion of light flashing, the choice of reaction, differentiation, teppingmetry in various modifications. The structural scheme of the system, namely, microcontroller, Wi-Fi module, software, executive devices and others has been presented. The database for storing and processing experimental information has been developed. To increase the functionality of the complex the additional components that provide the possibility of remote autonomous work using the cloud server services have been introduced.


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How to Cite
Varlamova, N. V., & Styervoyedov, N. G. (2018). Hardware-software complex for psychological and professional diagnostics with the remote control function. Bulletin of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series «Mathematical Modeling. Information Technology. Automated Control Systems», 38(2), 25-32. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/mia/article/view/11460