Computer program for testing workers in fire and electrical safely

  • Лариса Валентиновна Васильева
  • Александр Викторович Передерин
Keywords: computer testing, fire safety testing, electrical safely testing


The computer program for assessing the workers’ knowledge in the field of fire and electrical safely has been presented in the article. The computer program which contains the test has been developed and the mechanism for evaluating the test results is presented. The analysis of and comparison with the similar methods have been carried out. Detailed description of all the computer program functions has been presented. The program structure has been described. The user manual has been compiled. The results of approbation shows the advantages of the created product.


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How to Cite
Васильева, Л. В., & Передерин, А. В. (2017). Computer program for testing workers in fire and electrical safely. Bulletin of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series «Mathematical Modeling. Information Technology. Automated Control Systems», 36, 44-49. Retrieved from