Introduction. The article considers historical and legal origins of the foundations of the legal status of an individual in the European system of protection of human rights and freedoms as part of international legal reality of the region. The work examines the phenomenon of the legal status of a person in the European international legal reality in view of its modern normative regulation, protection mechanisms at the regional level and worldview sources of the evolution of its foundations.
Summary of the main research results. It was determined that the European international legal reality is a regional phenomenon of international law and includes universal and European regional norms and principles, sub-regional European international legal acts, legal culture and legal consciousness, moral value characteristics and institutions of European international law. The latter is closely related to the phenomenon of the European international legal reality in terms of reflecting the objective legal realm in Europe. The main purpose of the functioning of the European international legal reality is the protection of human rights and freedoms in the region. The regional system of protection of human rights and freedoms is an integral part of the European international legal reality and guarantees the fundamentals of the legal status of a person in Europe. The main principles of the legal status of a person in the European international legal reality are the general principles and standards of law, the moral, value and ideological characteristics of European international law. The genesis of the foundations of the legal status of a person in Europe and European identity in general is ancient Roman law, Christian dogmas and Germanic customs. It was the preservation of the main system-forming components of the Roman legal complex of principles and norms, the influence of Christian spirituality concept on the general European attitude towards the individual and the separation of the Romano-Germanic legal family features on the basis of Germanic phenomenon that became the basis of the modern European legal reality and laid the foundations of the individual's legal position.
Conclusions. At the current stage of the European international legal reality development, the legal status of a person is a fundamental category that emerged and evolved on the basis of centuries-old legal traditions of the region. Current regulatory and legal consolidation and functioning of regional mechanisms for the protection of human rights and freedoms is the result of historical and legal evolution of the foundations of the legal status of a person in Europe.
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