Prospects of regulatory and legal support for obtaining a higher legal education by a citizen of Ukraine
The article states that meticulous attention is always paid to legal education, which is why the requirements for the quality of training of graduates of legal specialties must be increased; the urgency of the issue of training highly qualified lawyers is emphasized, which affects the quality of higher legal education as a whole, which requires a detailed consideration of the state and prospects of legal support for the acquisition of higher legal education by a citizen of Ukraine; it is indicated that the attention of those concerned and interested is focused on the conditions and quality of education, domestic educational standards and foreign experience, forms of education, rights, duties and responsibilities of students, teachers and educational institutions; a number of projects of legislative initiatives are being considered, which have not yet been approved; emphasis is placed on certain aspects of the declared problem, to which the attention of domestic scientists is focused; it is emphasized that the regulatory and legal framework should be formed taking into account European standards and progressive international experience, it is warned that due to the armed aggression of a neighboring state, the reform progress in matters of obtaining education in Ukraine has currently slowed down; there is a shared opinion about the fact that the legal profession has always been and remains in demand, prestigious and popular at all times and today, and the requirements for lawyers are becoming more and more demanding and meticulous, since lawyers are always in the field of view of various observers; it is emphasized that any true professional must thoroughly possess not only professional knowledge, skills, and abilities, but also have versatile intellectual training, high linguistic and communicative culture, and knowledge of pedagogy and psychology; attention is drawn to the fact that the implementation of the "Strategy for the Development of Higher Education in Ukraine for 2022-2032" should continue with the reconstruction and reform of the higher education system in the post-war period.
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