Keywords: mature democracy, civil society, free person, freedom, values of law, legal activity of the individual, dignified existence of the individual, legal consciousness


ANNOTATION: Introduction. The article emphasizes that in a mature democracy, members of civil society are given the opportunity to maximize the value potential of freedom and rights. The ratio of the values of freedom and law, allows a free individual to achieve the realization of priority rights and freedoms, to strengthen its legal status, to ensure a dignified existence. The analysis of features of a parity of freedom, values of the right and legal actions of the free person is given. It is concluded that the restriction of individual freedom and the isolation of the values of law from the state of freedom is inadmissible.

        Conclusions. In a mature democracy, the development of the foundations of civil society and the rule of law, the relationship between freedom and the values of law becomes an important channel for the individual to strengthen its status. Legal laws, the value content of other normative legal acts, should be aimed at the development of a free individual who will be able to strengthen their own legal activity, to achieve on this basis the priority goals of life through lawful behavioral actions. The existence of freedom is a prerequisite for the manifestation of the true values of law, a factor influencing the desire of members of civil society to maximize the potential of law in order to acquire their dignified existence. Freedom and law within a civilized, democratic social system have a valuable influence on each other. Outside of freedom, the law loses many of its qualities, the format for expressing freedom and serving the priority vital interests of members of society decreases. Freedom outside the values of law loses its practical purpose, becomes a value abstraction, because the individual is deprived of the opportunity to enjoy natural and inalienable rights and freedoms. Only a truly free individual, who finds a real opportunity to use valuable legal opportunities, on the basis of his high level of legal awareness and with the help of proper legal activity, can master all the leading spheres of social and legal reality.


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Author Biography

Izabella Voronova, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Associate Professor of Department of State and Legal Disciplines
PhD in Law, Senior Research Fellow
Svobody Square, 4, Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine


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How to Cite
Voronova, I. (2021). FREEDOM, LAW, LEGAL ACTIVITY OF PERSONALITY. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Law, (31), 108-112.