• Ірина Анатоліївна Пахомова Юридичний факультет ХНУ ім.В.Н.Каразіна https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7161-3598
Keywords: distance learning, distance education, quarantine, the organization of the process, applicants education, educational services, the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine, Law of Ukraine, regulations.


the article stated that the Ukrainian education system as a whole was not ready to practice the function of distance learning, as educational institutions, among other things, lacks the technical equipment and Internet access; noted that modern society in the early XXI century, an introduction to the goals of the Bologna process, presented to the graduate school global and urgent task of ensuring access to higher education to the wider population, particularly through the introduction of distance learning; the analysis of current publications from Internet resources for legislative support to the affected question and opinions of individuals – teachers, journalists, applicants of education; consideration of ways of introduction of distance learning in a situation with quarantine; identification of challenges facing the educational sector in connection with the quarantine outlined the basic platform, which are used for distance learning and highlights popular; stated that recently appeared Methodical recommendations on organization of distant learning at the school, prepared and published with the participation of the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine; initiated the work of the Ministry on updating the regulations on distance learning, noted that in the future should focus on the education system of mixed type, when a part of the educational process will go into an online resource; given the opinion, the most progressive in the field of information and communication technologies is the it industry, which is developing dynamically; it is noted that the teachers and students of foreign universities took the transition to distance learning at ease because this form of interaction between participants of educational process there is a place for a long time; expressed concern that today distance education in our country does not meet the formal requirements facing the information society; provided that the development of distance learning in Ukraine is a priority direction of state policy, a tool of the global diffusion of knowledge, technology and capital, in particular helps in the fight for market, in dealing with geopolitical challenges; main (universal) advice that a classical education can take into account to never stop the learning process: flexibility, continuous training, technical support, methodical and methodological component.


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Organization of educational process of physical education according to the conditions of remote education
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How to Cite
Пахомова, І. А. (2020). QUARANTINE: LEGAL SEARCH FOR A HIGH-TECH AND PROGRESSIVE DISTANCE LEARNING ORGANIZATION. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Law, (29), 221-225. https://doi.org/10.26565/2075-1834-2020-29-29
Administrative law and process; finance law; information law