In legal life of the modern world common ways of resolution to the legal disputes (conflicts) are not always efficient, since, as a rule, interests and needs of the one side and sometimes even of the both ones are left unsatisfied. Appeal to the public authorities because of each law conflict results in overloading of courts and administrative authorities. Implementation of other alternative ways of resolution of legal disputes, for example, such as mediation, can be an option to improvement of justice access and to reduction of court overloading.
The article is devoted to reviewing the peculiarities of implementation of the method of mediation in administrative proceeding. It reports on attributes of administrative law conflict and also on peculiarities of conducting the procedure of mediation.
Scholarly works of domestic scientists such as Sydelnikov O. D., Krasilovska Z. V., Lysko A., Mazaraki N. A. and others have been devoted to this problematique.
Mediation - is a consensual and confidential procedure extrajudicial settlements of conflicts, in which a mediator helps the sides to understand their interests and search efficient ways of achieving mutually acceptable solution.
The sphere of administrative disputes is the most difficult for implementation of mediation procedure. It is specified by typical peculiarities for such disputes and also by legal nature of subjects of administrative legal relationship. Exactly because of this, some scientists refer to partial nonmediability of such disputes, as one of the side in this case is always an organ of public authority.
Approaching a compromise between public authority and a citizen is a prioritized direction of state and local authority activity.
The procedure of mediation can be applied only in certain administrative disputes. In this case it is possible to single out advantages of implementation of the mediation procedure in dealing with administrative law conflict, they are effectiveness, saving funds and time, speed, confidentiality, unloading administrative courts, embodiment the principle of service conception of the state, the principle of the rule of law and proper management.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Karyna Rostovska, Natalia Hryshyna
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