Keywords: KEYWORDS: the right of municipal property, municipal property, community property, public property, local self-government bodies.


Summary. The article deals with the constitutional and legal regulation of the right of municipal property in member countries of the EU. It is noted that the constitutions of the Member States mostly ignore the concept of ownership of local self-government. At the same time, the constitutions reinforce the issue of material and financial basis. As a rule, the translation from the languages ​​of the member countries of the EU into English uses the notion of «municipal property», «local government property» or «public property». In the constitutions of the member countries of the EU, the principle of financial and financial autonomy, guarantees of local self-government are found.

The legal basis of municipal property rights is also determined by the local government law, and sometimes by a municipal property law and local acts. The municipal property laws set out the basic principles of municipal property management. It is noted that the management is in the interest of the population of the municipality and with the care of «good governance». It is stated that the existence of a special law on the property of local self-government does not solve all issues of systematization of legislation in this area.

It is summarized that in the study of the conceptual apparatus in the sphere of municipal (communal) property, the essence of this right is of fundamental importance. In the legislation of these countries there are both concepts: «municipal» and «communal property». These concepts should be regarded as synonymous and for the convenience of designating this form of ownership in the EU Member States, it is permissible to apply the concept of «municipal property». Examples of application of both concepts in constitutional legal acts are given.

The article concludes that, regardless of the subject of the right of municipal property, democratic states provide guarantees for the management of municipal property for the benefit of the community; attention is paid to objects that are in permanent exploitation by residents of communes.

The author note the direct link between the powers of local governments, the interests and needs of the community and municipal property. Functional delineation of municipal property by local governments influences the decision to acquire, multiply and dispose of them. Local government real estate management in these countries draws attention to the object of management, goals and main purpose, basic decision-making principles, etc.

KEYWORDS: the right of municipal property, municipal property, community property, public property, local self-government bodies.


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How to Cite
Гришко gryshko. (2020). ПРАВО МУНІЦИПАЛЬНОЇ ВЛАСНОСТІ У ДЕРЖАВАХ-ЧЛЕНАХ ЄВРОПЕЙСЬКОГО СОЮЗУ: ПИТАННЯ КОНСТИТУЦІЙНО-ПРАВОВОГО РЕГУЛЮВАННЯ. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Law, (29), 97-106. https://doi.org/10.26565/2075-1834-2020-29-12