Keywords: employment, unemployment, State Employment Service of Ukraine, administrative and legal status, overcoming unemployment.


ANNOTATION: today the Ukrainian government is facing to an urgent issue to ensure the citizens’ right to work, which is guaranteed by the Constitution. The situation on the domestic labor market is quite tense due to: a high percentage of informal employment, a difficult economic situation, the lack of interaction between local employment centers and educational institutions, employers and public organizations in connection with which there is an urgent need to overcome the socio-economic prerequisites for the occurrence of this phenomenon and to reduce the percentage of unemployed people. Nowadays the state is conducting quite active working aimed at overcoming the problem of employment. There is a system of executive authorities in Ukraine, which is empowered to carry out administrative and legal activities to provide public services to the population of Ukraine. It is noted that the main executive body that implements the state policy in the field of employment is the State Employment Service. The article focuses on the fact that the State Employment Service is a unique executive body, which activity is mainly aimed at controlling its departments which execute their authority directly in cities. Attention is focused on the appropriateness of the emergence of new institutions in the structure of the employment service, which indicates the intensification of measures to overcome unemployment in the country. The relevance of employment centers to individualize the approach to each client is emphasized. In the process of reforming the state employment service, is appearing new goals and objectives, which entail changes in the structure of the organ. For achieving the tasks, new institutions are endowed with the appropriate powers that determine the dynamics of the administrative and legal status of the State Employment Service. The conclusion emphasizes the importance of interaction and cooperation of the State Employment Service with other executive bodies, local authorities, and civil society institutions.


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How to Cite
Панюкова, Д. О. (2020). ADMINISTRATIVE AND LEGAL STATUS OF THE STATE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OF UKRAINE. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Law, (29), 213-220.
Administrative law and process; finance law; information law