Formation of multicultural linguistic personality in the process of studying Ukrainian as a foreign language

Keywords: communication, foreign student, linguistic personality, multiculturalism, Ukrainian language (as foreign)


The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the formation of a polycultural linguistic personality in the process of studying Ukrainian as a foreign language. The goal of the research is to analyze certain aspects of the theory and practice of the linguistic personality, to reveal the specificity of its formation through the acquisition of linguistic, communicative, pragmatic skills, taking into account multicultural and psychological components, in the process of studying Ukrainian as a foreign language, and present the basic principles of the formation of multicultural linguistic personality of foreign students in the Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

There are several components of the criteria for the formation of a polycultural linguistic personality (communicability, the cross-cultural criterion, the psychological criterion).

The formation of multicultural linguistic personality of foreign students in the Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University is based on several content lines – communicative, linguistic, socio-cultural. Along with receiving information about the country whose language they study, the students will learn about certain psychological, social, cultural, aesthetic features of representatives of other countries, other mentalities, exchange their socio-cultural experiences. Intercultural differences, common features of cultures become crucial for the choice of style, strategies and tactics of professional communication. Therefore, multicultural education of foreign students is one of the key points of professional education, which involves knowledge of the characteristics of different cultures, the formation of respect and dignity among representatives of different nations.

The formation of a multicultural linguistic personality is an important aspect of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language and aims at improving mutual understanding between people, creating a supportive atmosphere in heterogeneous groups, which is the basis for creating a new society capable of communicating without ethnic, religious, racial and cultural barriers.


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How to Cite
Музика, Т. (2018). Formation of multicultural linguistic personality in the process of studying Ukrainian as a foreign language. Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations, (31), 54-64.