Trends of the hotel industry development in Ukraine in terms of turbulence

Keywords: collective accommodation facilities, the level of room occupancy, development trends, international hotel operators, investment attractiveness, crisis conditions, turbulence


The author analyses  the current state and trends of the hotel industry development in Ukraine in terms of turbulence. The market of hotel services is very susceptible to the influence of political, economic and social changes in the macro environment. Therefore, the current situation in Ukraine has caused a number of negative changes in the indicators of the hotel industry functioning. But there is a certain adaptation to the contemporary realities: the tourist flow reorientation and the increase in occupancy level of the hotels in new destinations, cost optimization, changes in the factors that influence the selection of potential consumers of hotel services, hotel offers diversification and others. The implementation of anti-crisis policy in all aspects of hotel operations will help to maintain the market segment.


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How to Cite
Podlepina, P. (1). Trends of the hotel industry development in Ukraine in terms of turbulence. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (5), 154-159. Retrieved from