Intellectualization of the economy: evolution in the context of global development

Keywords: intellectualization of the economy, global development, intellectual resources, technological mode of production


The article presents methodological principles of the economy intellectualization within the global development.

On the basis of the generally accepted methodological guidelines and the historical experience the author proves that the process of the economy intellectualization within the of global development includes a wide variety of relationships, where genetic relations, determining a spatio-temporal order of its formation plays an important role. The vector of intellectualization is parallel to the vector of technological transformation. The main features of the economy intellectualization are change of the industrial type of  economy, based on the knowledge and information, transformation of the nature and forms of labor, and formation of a new system of cultural values in terms of global development.

The author concludes that conditions of the mankind existence at the beginning of the XXI century testify about transition to a new strategy of global development, so calles up-to-date intellectual economy, based on the widespread use of information and knowledge as strategic resources for the global economy development. This feature orientating the development of relations among economic subjects caused by  the current world economy functioning; necessitates a quantitative and qualitative compliance in the development of elements of the world productive forces as well as the adequacy of their economic forms. It also expresses the integrity and orientation of the global economy in terms of its global development.


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How to Cite
Fomina, E. (1). Intellectualization of the economy: evolution in the context of global development. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (5), 112-115. Retrieved from