Current trends in the global gold demand

  • Поліна Подлепіна
  • Наталія Писемська
Keywords: gold demand, investments, jewelry industry, central banks purchases, official gold holdings,


The structural changes and the dynamics of global gold demand in the current conditions of the global economy and the global financial system are analyzed in the article. The role of gold as a stabilizing factor in the conditions of the global crises development and instability of the world's major currencies is emphasized. According to the WGC methodology gold demand is divided into the following categories: jewelry, industrial, investment demand and central banks purchases to build their official gold holdings. The share of each of these sectors and modern dynamics are analyzed. Jewelry industry and its needs are about 60 % of the total gold demand. The gold investments (physical or ETF) is the trend of the market with some fluctuations. Central banks and international organizations acknowledge the existence of official gold reserves as a competitive advantage. The features of the geography of gold demand and changes in the volume of gold consumption in the leading countries are identified.


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How to Cite
Подлепіна, П., & Писемська, Н. (1). Current trends in the global gold demand. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (4 (1144, 2), 57-60. Retrieved from