The United Nations Security Council as a counteraction for international terrorism

  • Людмила Новікова
Keywords: United Nations, Security Council, international terrorism, global security, counter-terrorism, Counter-Terrorism Committee, «1540 Committee», the international control,


The article represents main activities of the United Nations Security Council in terms of counter-terrorism. The author emphasizes the danger posed by international terrorist threat to progressive humanity. The research shows that the UN is the most powerful subject in the political sense which coordinates efforts of the international community against terrorism. According to this fact the implemintation of the Security Council anti-terrorist policy is an important component to form the foundations of the common foreign policy within the peacekeeping and security framework. The Security Council counter-terrorism activity meets the needs of the progressive development of mankind based on the global economic, military and political conjuncture of states and their associations.


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How to Cite
Новікова, Л. (1). The United Nations Security Council as a counteraction for international terrorism. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (3 (1144, 1), 25-28. Retrieved from