Small and medium enterprises development in scientific and innovation perspective

  • Gopal Prasad Tiwari Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI) Pachali Shahid Shukra FNCCI Milan Marg, Teku P.O. Box 269, Kathmandu NEPAL
Keywords: Nepal, SMEs, innovation, economic development, knowledge management, technology transfer


Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are critical components for any country. It demands systematic examination based on theory and proves its significance. In our case, finding explanations is required why SMEs are important, about its historical background and what it would deliver in the times to come. As the issue of SMEs is yet to recognize by the respective governments over time, it is inevitable to identify and find way out to address the concerns of the sector. The main objective of the paper is to make an inquiry into the increasing importance of SMEs in Nepal. While analyzing Nepal's SMEs, European SMEs are taken into consideration including other countries in an innovation perspective and technology transfer. Based on the empirical evidence and innovation theory of management propounded by the world-renowned scientists, we have tried to find solutions scientifically related to the weak absorptive capacity of SMEs to go in an innovative way for their advancement and technology transfer in Nepal SME as the role of SMEs is deemed critical for job creation and economic growth. The lessons from European and other developed economies could transform SMEs into more productive ones through innovation and push for the sustenance in the long run. The research shows that defining the SMEs in the Act itself is not sufficient to promote the sector. Rather, the SMEs should be advanced through the adoption of innovation management techniques and technology transfer with facilitation from acknowledgment management and partnership approach to their sustainability. Conclusion: the country needs to adopt a strategy to define the SMEs in a professional manner like other countries; introduction of some rules and regulations to encourage the sector in terms of incentives and finance; introduction of SME Policy to consolidate SMEs, which also needs to focus on technology transfer and knowledge management for adopting innovative approach for the advancement of the sector.  


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How to Cite
Tiwari, G. P. (2019). Small and medium enterprises development in scientific and innovation perspective. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (8), 148-154.