Institutional structure to regulate international tourism in EU

Keywords: globalization processes, public regional organizations of the EU, state regulation of the international tourism sphere, institutional structure, institutional environment, institutional mechanism for the formation of the international tourism industry reg


The article studies the institutional structure of EU tourism sector and analyzes the mechanism to regulate the international tourism strategy. The author generalizes theoretical approaches to the definition of "institutionalization"; identifies the components of the collective management system, as well as the interaction mechanism between the European Union governing bodies and the institutes of collective actions in the field of international tourism. The study systematizes the criteria of the institutional system formation of the European Union tourism industry and specifies the requirements of its conformity with the institutional strategy of international tourism development. The author is carries out a detailed analysis of the constituent elements of the institutional system structure of the European Union in the field of international tourism


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How to Cite
Skliarenko, Y. (2018). Institutional structure to regulate international tourism in EU. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (7), 142-149.