Evaluation of economic efficiency of investment in hotel business

Keywords: hotel business, economic efficiency of investments in the hotel business, method of UNIDO


Hotel business becomes attractive for investment as tourism industry develops. However, the efficiency of investment should be the main criterion for developing the concept of investment. Based on forecasts of expected number of arrivals of international tourists in Ukraine the authors concludes that the declining of this indicator in Ukraine is over, and we can expect the growth in number of arrivals of international tourists, and as a consequence, the growth in demand for hotel businesses. Therefore, the question of economic efficiency evaluation of investments in hotel business is important.

The authors analyze the possible forms of investment in the hotel business, and conclude that the most acceptable to the Ukrainian reality is management, purchasing a franchise, and direct investment in construction.

The authors propose a mechanism to evaluate the economic efficiency of investments in hotel business, which includes five stages, including analysis and choice of forms of investment in the hotel business development of alternative investment projects based on forecast future results and financial sources economic efficiency evaluation of alternative investment projects based on the methodology of UNIDO risk assessment of options for investment projects using sensitivity analyzes responses analysis and selection of the most effective option of the project among the alternatives


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How to Cite
Danko, N., & Novikova, V. (1). Evaluation of economic efficiency of investment in hotel business. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (6), 153-159. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/irtb/article/view/10020