Development of the safety system as a tool of competitive recovery of hotel facilities

Keywords: competitiveness of hotel facilities, safety system, hotels safety


The paper examines  safety services as a tool of competitive recovery of hotel facilities. In the modern context of unstable economic and political situation in Ukraine competition becomes more acute at the market of hotel services. The search of competitive recovery ways can be considered in the context of improving the safety of hotel services.

The research is relevant due to the fact that the high degree of hotels protection insurance is the most essential component of the hotel services. That is of great importance in modern conditions. Safety insurance of hotels should be integrated reflecting real correlation which appears in this organization.

The purpose of this article is to consider the main factors influencing development of the services safety system of hotel facilities aimed at their competitive recovery.

The paper contains a study conducted to assess the problems and the level of safety system in the hotels of Kharkiv. It includes a survey of the hotel clients with a view to assessing their attitude to the safety system in hotel business and their willingness to pay more for improving the quality of the safety system; a survey of the hotel staff focuses on their assessment of the level of the hotel safety system and willingness to undergo additional training to improve safety insurance with the regard to introduction of new technical supplies and additional control; survey of the experts who assess the hotel safety system in general


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How to Cite
Bilovska, O. (1). Development of the safety system as a tool of competitive recovery of hotel facilities. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (6), 138-142. Retrieved from