Application of the national banking sector for modernization of the economic area of Ukraine

Keywords: financial system, banking sector, bank, monetary tools


Ukraine gradually integrates into the world economy, so the world globalization processes affect its economy, including the banking sector as one of the most important elements of the financial system of the country. Determination of possible application of the banking sector can help to conduct state policy in the field of modernization of the economic area of Ukraine. 

The article represents the possibility of application of the banking sector for the modernization of Ukrainian economic area. The article concludes is that the banking sector by converting domestic savings into investments efficient allocation of resources involved in financial turnover implementation of the social functions of the state through the mechanisms of mortgage and consumer lending and providing financial independence as components of national sovereignty (national security), will contribute to the modernization of the Ukrainian economic area.


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How to Cite
Shuba, M. (1). Application of the national banking sector for modernization of the economic area of Ukraine. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (6), 133-136. Retrieved from