Evaluation of the technological leadership of the national economy: comparative analysis of the methodical approaches

Keywords: technological leadership, methodical approaches, evaluation of the level of technological development of countries, rating estimation


The article carries out the comparative analysis of the current methodical approaches to evaluation of the components of technological development of the countries under modern conditions of development. The main problem of the existing methodologies is the necessity to choose among the whole mass of possible indicators only the most important and informative determinants for a complex research of the essence of technological leadership and possibility of its practical use.

The article carries out the comparative analysis of advantages and disadvantages of the methodologies of evaluation of the level of technological development of various countries in order to determine the international leader.  The criteria are the following  of the source information as availability and objectiveness; adequacy of the methodology and simplicity of calculations; demonstrativeness of results presentation; depth of analysis; possibility of usage for research of the technological leadership level of the national economy.

The suggested sequence of forming the multifactor (integral) model of evaluation of the technological development level of the country is efficient in terms of rendering possibility of taking into account numerous factors that influence the process of technological development of separate countries under the conditions of globalization and will help to form an adequate rating score in order to determine the leader in this sphere of activity


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How to Cite
Taran, A. (1). Evaluation of the technological leadership of the national economy: comparative analysis of the methodical approaches. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (6), 119-123. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/irtb/article/view/10013