Deglobalization trends in contemporary international trade under instability

Keywords: globalization, deglobalization, liberalization of international trade, protectionism, economic instability


This article analyzes the trends of globalization in the international movement of goods, services, capital and the growth of protectionism in the world trade, which is the result of continuing negative processes in the global economy after the recent financial and economic recession.

Basing on analysis of key trends and indicators of the level of internationalization of the world economy which means the degree of participation of countries and regions in the world trade, the use of protectionist measures, the dynamics of international capital flows, etc., authors try to verify one of the hypotheses explaining the effect of the slowdown of the world trade, meaning that the global crisis has shown the failure of globalization and the need to develop the first national production. The hypothesis of "deglobalization" is gaining popularity and attracting the attention of governments, particularly to justify protectionist measures. However, the existence  of deglobalization in the global economy does not yet has got the explicit confirmation.

The arbicle concludes that despite the presence of negative processes in the global economy due to globalization, there is no expressed deglobalization, it negative dynamics of absolute and relative indicators characterizing the activity of the main components of the global economy and the degree of involvement of countries to global processes. Most forecasts agree that in the coming years it is expected rising movement of the most important economic indicators? No matfer that it is weak and be weak, but the upward trend of economic globalization is being renowated.


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How to Cite
Dovgal, G., & Dovgal, O. (1). Deglobalization trends in contemporary international trade under instability. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (5), 19-26. Retrieved from