The main directions of the EU program for research and innovation «Horizon 2020» and the selection of priority directions of development of ukrainian science and technology

  • Ігор Матюшенко
  • Дарина Михайлова
Keywords: scientific and technological development, research and innovation programs, «Horizon 2020», priorities of science and technology development,


The article analyzes the priorities of the European framework programs to study activity such as the EU Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7) and the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation «Horizon 2020». The study shows that «Horizon 2020» is the financial instrument implementing the Innovation Union flagship initiative «Europe 2020» strengthen Europe's competitiveness and includes three complementary EU priorities: advanced science; industrial leadership; social challenges. By 2020 the stimulation of European industrial leadership will be carried out through research, technological development, demonstration and innovation in advanced industries such as information and communication technologies; nanotechnologies; new materials; biotechnology; space industry.

The priority directions of science and technology of Ukraine generally meet the «Horizon 2020» priorities, particularly: basic research of the most important issues of scientific, technical, social-economic, socio-political development, human capacity for Ukraine's competitiveness and sustainable development of the society and state; information and communication technologies; energy and energy efficiency; rational use of nature; life sciences, new technologies to prevent and cure diseases; new substances and materials. The established compatibility of priorities of scientific and technological research of the EU and Ukraine allows to conclude the broadest possible cooperation in this area.


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Пріоритети програми Горизонт 2020 [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу : /HORIZON2020priorities.pdf

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How to Cite
Матюшенко, І., & Михайлова, Д. (1). The main directions of the EU program for research and innovation «Horizon 2020» and the selection of priority directions of development of ukrainian science and technology. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (4 (1144, 2), 120-126. Retrieved from