Сurrent state and prospects of using modern marketing technologies in the development of creative industries of Ukraine

Keywords: creative industries, marketing technologies, SMM-promotion methods, event-marketing, impression marketing


The article considers the evolution of methodological approaches and prospects for the use of modern marketing technologies in the development of creative industries in Ukraine. The authors note the emergence of a new concept of economy - creative economy, which forms new economic models, new types of social relations, and, accordingly, the requirements for different management methods, activities, and hence the marketing process. The subject of research is a set of marketing technologies that should be used for the development of creative industries in our country. The purpose of the article is to study the current state and prospects of development of marketing of creative industries in Ukraine. The study was conducted on the basis of system-functional, integrated scientific approaches, using scientific methods: analysis and synthesis, systematization of statistical data, modeling. The following results were obtained. The study confirms the relevance of using SMM-marketing to promote creative industries. All creative industries can use social networks such as Facebook and Twitter to promote, less social networks such as Instagram, YouTube and Twitter. The least functional at the moment is the social network TicTok, this is due to the fact that it is just beginning to be used to promote business. Holding or attending events is an important part of the strategy of attracting sponsors, events help to gather an audience that is interested in your field of activity, product or new opportunities in general.According to the authors, marketing of impressions is the best way to promote creative industries due to its specifics. Given a positive impression, consumers not only return to the institution, but also "advertise" it among their friends and subscribers. Conclusions. The use of modern marketing technologies, such as SMM-marketing, event-marketing and impression marketing, in the promotion of enterprises in the creative sector of the economy gives a competitive advantage, helps to expand the audience and succeed in the market. Thus, in modern conditions of market development, a necessary condition for the existence and development of small and medium enterprises is the formation and implementation of the correct marketing strategy.





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How to Cite
Olena Yevtushenko, Hanna Haponenko, & Irina Shamara. (2022). Сurrent state and prospects of using modern marketing technologies in the development of creative industries of Ukraine. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (15), 93-101. https://doi.org/10.26565/2310-9513-2022-15-10