Оrganization of business processes in the conditions of digitalization

Keywords: digitalization, digital tools, business processes, information technology, digital environment


The article is devoted to the study of the organization of business processes in enterprises in the context of digitalization, which is especially important in the modern realities of the world. The subject of the study are the business processes themselves, namely such yoga as the main, auxiliary, business management processes and business development processes. The object of the article is the processes of digitalization, its components and the main directions of implementation in the activities of enterprises. The purpose of the article is to identify trends in the development and organization of business processes of economic entities, using modern tools for organizing the process, and directly to digitization. Various aspects of perception of the digitalization process are considered, consideration of the possible identification of such concepts as "digitalization", "digital transformation" and "digitalization". Thus, it is directly stated that the transition to a digital environment involves such a comprehensive and large-scale phenomenon that affects all aspects of the business organization, as "digital transformation". The components of digitalization of business processes of the enterprise, which consist of certain procedures and areas of implementation. Thus, the procedures include document management, data analysis, organization of activities, and areas of digitalization are production processes, control of work and product quality, logistics, value added, communication policy. The paper presents a logical-structural diagram of the technology of organizing business processes in terms of digitalization of the enterprise. With the help of this technology, enterprises have significant advantages, namely: quick access to databases on customers of the enterprise, type of economic activity; proper use of available resources of such data and potential of forecasting modeling; quickly and accurately predict trends and respond to market challenges. Despite the rather significant positive changes in the field of digitalization of enterprises, there are a number of unresolved issues that can be solved through digital tools.





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How to Cite
Viktoriia Dergachova, Yuliia Vorzhakova, & Oleksandra Khlebynska. (2021). Оrganization of business processes in the conditions of digitalization. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (14), 60-68. https://doi.org/10.26565/2310-9513-2021-14-06