Formation and implementation of the media company marketing strategy in the digital environment: stages and evaluation indicators

  • Olena Bilovodska Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design
  • Kateryna Shebeda Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design
Keywords: marketing strategy, digital environment, target audience


One of the most important for companies today are the problems of growing competitive pressure from foreign manufacturers, increasing consumer competencies; increasing the role of positioning and, as a consequence, product branding; acceleration of implementation processes, intensification of promotion of new goods and services; exacerbation of the need to build partnerships with key customers in a narrowing of demand in mature markets; intensifying the search for new regional markets and consumer niches. Due to the high complexity and multifaceted economic processes of modern enterprises, research in the field of Internet marketing requires constant improvement through the continuous development of electronic technologies. The subject of the article is the processes of forming and implementation a marketing strategy in the digital environment. The purpose of the article is to improve business processes and the system of indicators for evaluating the marketing strategy of a media company in the digital environment. General scientific methods are used, such as systems analysis, synthesis and abstract-logical - to clarify the features of marketing strategy in the digital environment; graphic and algorithmic - to improve the business processes of the marketing strategy of the media company in the digital environment. The following results were obtained: the stages of forming a marketing strategy on the Internet were studied, the cyclical SOSTAC model was analyzed, the characteristics of the Internet strategy were provided, models of marketing activity were described, business processes for strategy implementation were developed and the system of its efficiency indicators was improved. Conclusions: improved business processes of marketing strategy implementation in the digital environment of the media company and the system of indicators of its effectiveness.





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How to Cite
Olena Bilovodska, & Kateryna Shebeda. (2021). Formation and implementation of the media company marketing strategy in the digital environment: stages and evaluation indicators. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (13), 50-59.