Modern trends in the development of world hotel business

Keywords: trends in the development of the hospitality industry, booking, hostel, innovative directions of development, the hospitality industry


The relevance of the study is explained by the fact that today the global tourism and hospitality industry is in tough conditions of competition for each client and is forced to react very quickly to external changes in business conditions. At the same time, despite the unstable economic and political situation in the world, the hotel and tourism business continues to grow rapidly. The growth of tourism all over the world causes an active expansion of the offered hotel services. The subject of this research is the innovation in the hospitality industry in the direction of increasing the competitiveness of modern forms of the hotel business. The goalof the article is to study current trends in the development of the global hotel business. The object is a study of the development of the global hotel business. As a general scientific method, system analysis is used, as well as logical and historical research methods. As a result of the study, the following results were obtained: in order to manage the operation of a hotel enterprise, it is necessary to constantly update it and maintain it in the state provided for by the standards and technical conditions, to ensure the rhythmic provision of services of a certain quality. The management of the development process of a hotel enterprise is aimed at changing its state, turning it into a corresponding to the modern high world achievements of the hotel industry. Conclusions: analysis, research and use of the current global business trends by hotels, first of all, the active use and development of IT and software for mobile phones influences the improvement of service quality, competitiveness and reputation of the hotels, makes it attractive and unique to customers.


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How to Cite
Dovgal, G. (2019). Modern trends in the development of world hotel business. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (9), 190-196.