Modern interaction of man and society in the conditions of global development: national interests

Keywords: interaction of a person and society, global development, globalization, national interest


The conditions for the development of the modern world create an image of a man whose existence is impossible without a variety of relationships with society. It is globalization that dictates the need to consider the universal laws of development of the new format of the human model in interaction with society. In everyday life, the concept of loneliness of the smallest part of the universe – man is sharpened. The subject of the research is the forms of interaction between a person and society in the context of global development in the context of national interests. The goal of the work is to reveal the essence of modern interaction between a person and society in the context of global development through the prism of national interests. The objective: to explore the features of the interaction of man and society in the context of globalization through the prism of national interests; find out the reasons for the transformation of national interests into global ones; analyze conflict and cooperation, as a form of interaction between man and society. General scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, hypothetical method. The following results: the replacement of national interest with globalization is one of the pressing globalization challenges of modern social development, which is impossible without taking into account global interest. Personal interest must be realized both in society and at the national level. Now we are in the process of forming a new consciousness; therefore, a modern person, unfortunately, is still not able to clearly define his own national priorities on a conscious or subconscious level. Conclusions: you should always take into account the context in which the power potential is realized. Speaking about national interests, they usually mean the state or public welfare, however, due to the diversity of personalities, everyone sees his own way on the path of well-being and security.



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How to Cite
Panasenko, H. (2019). Modern interaction of man and society in the conditions of global development: national interests. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (9), 67-74.