The problems and prospects of development of curating tourism in the Kharkiv Region

Keywords: сurative recreational activities, sanatorium and resort establishments, image of the destination, health tourism market


The Problems and prospects of development of curating tourism in the Kharkiv region. The article analyzes the existing potential of the Kharkiv region as a future destination in the field of curating tourism, determines the factors that slow downs the development of this type of tourism in the region and the ways of over coming it, as well as priority centers of development of curative tourism of the Kharkiv region and tools for maximizing budget revenues. The subject of research is an analysis of the potential of curating tourism and recreation activities in the conditions of the existing infrastructure in the Kharkiv region. The goal is to highlight the problems and prospects for the development of curating tourism in the Kharkiv region. The method of SWОT analysis are used to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the Kharkiv region's development as a new destination of curating tourism. The strengths of the Kharkiv region include the cheaper cost of a health-improving product compared to foreign sanatoriums; powerful health resources that are not inferior in their qualities to Western Ukrainian counterparts; and the orientation of the Ukrainian consumer to the domestic tourist product. Health tourism complex structure, health resorts and recreational institutions activities and profits of the Kharkiv region have been analyzed. The following results were obtained: the output of the health-improving sector of the tourism in the Kharkiv region in a new quality will positively affect for the level of medical services provided to the population, create a new jobs and increase the revenues to the budget. Conclusions: the cluster approach to the development of curating tourism in the Kharkiv region, the complex interaction of all resources to meet the tourist needs will create a more vivid image of the destination and significantly increase Kharkiv region attractiveness.


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Закон України «Про туризм» від 15.09.1995 324/95 ВР.

Стратегія економічного розвитку регіону «Харків 2020»: [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:

Загальні статистичні дані про кількість санаторіїв, дитячих таборів, та інших закладів лікувально-оздоровчої індустрії Харківської області: [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:

Волкова І.І. Фактори розвитку та видова структура лікувального туризму в Україні / І.І. Волкова // Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В.Н. Каразіна. – 2013. – №1042. – С. 110-114.

Офіційний сайт Всесвітньої туристичної організації: [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:

How to Cite
Shamara, I., & Skoriak, I. (2019). The problems and prospects of development of curating tourism in the Kharkiv Region. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (8), 211-217.