The tourist attractiveness of Kharkiv: current state and outlook

Keywords: tourist attraction, tourist attractiveness of the region, brand of the region, competitiveness, regional tourism


The article analyzes the domestic and foreign tourism scientific publications in order to identify the concept of competitiveness and the concept of tourist attractiveness of the region;  analyzes the ways of tourist attractiveness influence and competitiveness on the economic situation in the region and country. The author evaluates the tourist attractiveness of the territory based on an integrated approach and outlines the ways of regulating the regional tourist attractiveness; determines the brand of Kharkiv city and highlights the problems of tourism development in the Kharkiv region;  estimates the present state of competitiveness of the region. The author considers the ways of increasing the attractiveness of the Kharkiv region as a tourist region through the formation of the well-known and easily recognizable brand of the city and highlights the ways to promote the city's image


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How to Cite
Dovgal, G., & Omelchenko, N. (2018). The tourist attractiveness of Kharkiv: current state and outlook. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (7), 109-114.