England: from protectionism to free trade

Keywords: production, entrepreneurship, protection, free competition, free trade, taxation, tariff system, tariffs


The article analyzes the theoretical background is fundamentally different from the mercantilist doctrine free trade ideology. The author pays special attention to new forms of economic disparity outdated rules and traditions. Emphasis is placed behind the classics of English economics to need unquestionable benefit, security sector reform, and it is unnecessary patronizing-prohibitive system. The role of London and Оdenburg petitions entrepreneurs and tradesmen, as well as the first bill aimed at changing the old regulations that regulate foreign economic ties of the country. The importance of the mass movement against the «Corn Laws» as a precursor of free trade in general. The author reveales not only changes in customs tariffs, but also the positive results of the development of individual sectors of British industry, especially wool, cotton, silk, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy.

Reduction and / or elimination of import duties proceeded against the background of the opening of the overseas territories to foreign vessels loaded with various goods; in addition - earned Porto - Franco.

The focus of the parliament and government is the tax system. It simplifies and rates of taxes and fees were down.

All the authorities have stepped up measures on the one hand the growth in production volumes, and on the other - foreign economic activity. Free trade and free competition ensured England's world leadership in the 40-80s of XIX century


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How to Cite
Kryvuts, Y. (1). England: from protectionism to free trade. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (6), 99-106. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/irtb/article/view/10010