Improvement of the Selection Control of Liquid, Gaseous, and Cutting Substances in the Investigation of Technological Influence on Environment
The work involves providing recommendations on the procedure for the selection of hazardous substances for the SNSS units of Ukraine and improvement of the area of primary special treatment. An important operation in conducting both qualitative and quantitative analysis is the sampling of the substance for analysis. The purpose of the operation is to obtain additional information on the emergency situation. Sampling is performed to obtain information on the dangers of the substance, first of all, the study of samples in the laboratory. In addition, each sample reflects the real operational environment, since it gives an idea of the contamination and the amount of hazardous substances. The issue of sampling during an emergency for the detection of hazardous substances is not considered sufficiently carefully. Therefore, we proposed an improved procedure for sampling and an improved scheme of primary decontamination. An accident at a chemically hazardous facility poses a significant danger to both the production personnel and the public. The magnitude of this danger is higher, the higher the degree of toxicity of highly active poisonous substances. During an emergency, a chemical situation is performed on a chemically hazardous facility. Currently, there is a scheme for organizing a complete special processing. However, this scheme contains disadvantages affecting the elimination of the consequences of an emergency on a chemically hazardous facility. One of these shortcomings is the long time of deployment of a full special treatment area, which does not ensure the timely reduction and elimination of the level of pollution and its impact on the victims and minimize the effects of radiation, chemical and biological events. We have offered an improved scheme of organizing the area of primary decontamination, which allows to reduce the level of pollution of the victims. The recommendations are given and the scheme and the special processing process are improved, which allows to reduce as much as possible the level of pollution of the victims, and also to reduce the level of pollution on the border of the «warm» and «cold» zone and to prevent the spread of pollution beyond the danger zone. The proposed sampling procedure provides an opportunity to conduct qualitative sampling in a short time, allowing detecting the presence of dangerous substances during an emergency. Improvement of the scheme of primary special treatment can reduce the risks of emergencies of anthropogenic nature.
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