Planning the Environmental Sport Objects for Environment and Living Nature: Problems, Ways to Solving

  • O. I. Tsyganenko National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine
  • I. V. Uriadnikova National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine
  • Y. V. Pershehuba National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine
  • N. A. Sklyarova National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine
Keywords: ecologization, sport, environment, sports objects


According to the results of the research, the main ways of ecologizing of the sports industry are identified: the unification of the sectoral interests of sports activities with the interests of maintaining a good state of the environment, wildlife and human health, including athletes, planning the ecologization of sport at all levels, including directly on sports objects , the development of the system of environmental education in the sports sector, the holding of public hearings on the ecologization of sports, the rational use of natural resources in the construction and the operation of sports complexes and sports parks, practical implementation in practice of implementing the provisions and rules of environmental safety in the sports sector for the environment, human health and wildlife. A methodology for planning the ecologization of sports objects was developed, taking into account the category of their impact on the environment. The sections (stages) of planning the ecologization of sports objects are defined: the definition of goals and objectives of ecologization, the selection and identification of an environmentally sound strategy and tactics for the implementation of ecologization, the development and planning of a budget for carrying out measures for ecologization involving relevant specialists, primarily environmental specialties, hearings on measures for greening, carrying out of ecologization and an estimation of the received results. The provisions of public discussion (consultations) of environmental measures for the ecologization of sports objects have been developed, the use of computerized information technologies for the collection and analysis of environmental information has been recommended, recommendations have been made on training specialists in environmental specializations for the ecologization of the sports industry on the basis of a master's program specialty 017 Physical Culture and Sport, specialization "Ecology of Sports".


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Author Biographies

O. I. Tsyganenko, National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine

доктор медичних наук, професор

I. V. Uriadnikova, National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine

кандидат технічних наук, доцент

Y. V. Pershehuba, National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine

кандидат медичних наук


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How to Cite
Tsyganenko, O. I., Uriadnikova, I. V., Pershehuba, Y. V., & Sklyarova, N. A. (2018). Planning the Environmental Sport Objects for Environment and Living Nature: Problems, Ways to Solving. Man and Environment. Issues of Neoecology, (1-2(29), 92-99.