Landscape-Ecological Planning As The Terms Of The Kharkov Area Territory Ecological Framework Forming

  • Н. В. Максименко
  • Р. О. Квартенко
Keywords: ecological network, ecological framework, landscape, landscape-ecological planning, Kharkov area


The terms of forming of ecological framework of territory of the Kharkov area are considered taking into account the tendencies of the landscape-ecological planning. Opredelen³ possibilities which are given by landscape approach and ways of optimization of ecological network of area.


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How to Cite
Максименко, Н. В., & Квартенко, Р. О. (2014). Landscape-Ecological Planning As The Terms Of The Kharkov Area Territory Ecological Framework Forming. Man and Environment. Issues of Neoecology, (1-2), 66-70. Retrieved from
Modern Geographic and Ecological Environment Research

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