Impact of construction on landscapes of the forest-step zone of Ukraine
Purpose. Analysis of the impact of the construction of quickly assembled buildings with different frames on living and inert landscape components in the conditions of the Western part of the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine.
Methods. System analysis, engineering surveys, comparative geographical method, generalization, statistical method.
Results. Based on reports on the study of engineering-ecological and engineering-geological conditions of construction sites located in the Western part of the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine, the transformation of landscape components under the influence of the construction of quickly assembled buildings was analyzed, namely, the study of the violation of ties between living and inert landscape components: changes in the morphological structure of the soil cover, degradation of plant cover and changes in the water balance, which directly affect the functioning of landscapes, and can also serve as the basis for the implementation of geoecological measures aimed at reducing the negative impact of urbanization on the landscape structures of the forest-steppe. This will allow maintaining ecological sustainability and restoring the natural properties of soils and biocenoses within the studied territories.
Conclusions. The importance of taking into account the ecological features of the forest-steppe zone and the need for adaptive measures to protect and restore black soil soils in conditions of intensive construction have been determined.
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