Estimation of Impact From Surface Runoff on Water Objects in Urban Landscape Conditions
The quality of surface water remains an important issue today. This is particularly acute for water bodies located in the urban-basin geosystems. Purpose. To estimate pressure of atmospheric precipitation within the urban landscape basin geosystem on the river water (by example of the Kharkiv river). Methods. Field landscaping, ecological, landscape-geochemical; analytical; system analysis; chemical analytical; statistical Results. An assessment of the state of surface waters under the impact from the surface runoff of atmospheric origin during 2014-2016, and partly from 2017-2019, formed under the influence of the transport (partly residential) subsystem of the urban area and surface waters in Kharkiv. On the salt content, the characteristic of water quality is "moderately polluted" (1,6); on the tropho-saprobiological indicators, the quality of water is characterized as "polluted" (from 3.1 to 2.75 along the river). It is in this context the impact of waters, which is formed in the conditions of the urban environment for the quality of natural waters, is well demonstrated. The presence of high values of pollutants and natural factors. The assessment of the quality of water on the content of specific indicators is "moderately polluted" (from 2.28 to 1.85). Conclusions. The water of the Kharkiv region, which has a strong influence from the urban environment, has a grade III quality; the water is "moderately polluted". Environmental assessment indicates the impact of surface runoff already on the middle part of the river, which increases in accordance with the conditions of the operation of urban landscapes and anthropogenic (transport) load.
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