The National-Patriotic Organizations of the People of Hindustan – Predecessors of the Indian National Congress

Keywords: the British India, the national-patriotic organizations, an English colonial regime, the Indian National Congress


In article programs are analyzed and activity of the national-patriotic organizations of the British India which was predecessors of the Indian National Congress which has been formed in 1885. Among them are especially allocated the British Indian Association, the Indian Association, the Association of the Bombay Presidency and the Poona Sarvajanik Sabha as they have laid the foundation for creation of the Congress organization. The national-patriotic organizations, bringing up at the population patriotic feelings, supported granting of India of self-management, for the elective majority in legislatures and municipal councils, expansion of participation of Indians in the central and local state structures and in local governments, introduction of a policy of the state protectionism for protection of national business and creation of conditions for development of the Indian industry, crafts and trade, carrying out of reforms in the country, introductions of the civil rights and freedom, racial discrimination prohibition, and also for development of national education, languages and culture. Despite their moderation, limitation of programs and activity, for the time it there was a considerable step forward in comparison with programs of their predecessors. The national-patriotic organizations of 60–80th years ХІХ century have laid the foundation for association of patriotic movement across all India and formations all Indian national organization – the Indian National Congress.




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How to Cite
Chuvpylo, O. O. (2019). The National-Patriotic Organizations of the People of Hindustan – Predecessors of the Indian National Congress. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series History, (56), 115-124.