Quellen und Forschungen zur Geschichte des Ausländerstudiums in Deutschland. Kritische Bemerkungen zu zentralen Problemen

Keywords: Germany, German universities, foreign students, academic community


The article is devoted to the analysis of sources and literature on the history of the education of foreign students in German higher education institutions. The main goal of the article is to detect the most significant aspects of the research subject area and its impact on further investigations on history of universities. We note that the education of foreign students in Germany has provided to significant influence in the political discourse of this country. At the same time, various investigations practically ignore the issues related to our research subject area. The discussion of the last third of the XIX century in Germany about the excessive number of foreign students in German higher education institutions is considered. The discussion was called «akademische Ausländerfrage» and appeared together with the «overcrowding crisis» by foreign students from technical higher education institutions and medical faculties of German universities. Two issues were central in the discussion. On the one hand, nationalist and anti-Semitic groups strongly opposed a large number of Jews from Eastern Europe among students of German universities. Moreover, Polish and Russian students were also considered as «undesirable foreigners». The principle of internationality of universities was subjected to attacks and discredit as fundamental for the academic community of Europe. On the other hand, the universities strongly protested against interference in their internal affairs and their autonomy in general. In particular German universities strongly opposed any restrictions on foreign students obtaining university education. However universities were interested party in limiting the inflow of students with insufficient education and motivation. We conclude that the state policy of foreign students was equally opposed and harmonized the position of German universities.


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How to Cite
Peter, H. (2019). Quellen und Forschungen zur Geschichte des Ausländerstudiums in Deutschland. Kritische Bemerkungen zu zentralen Problemen. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: History, (55), 30-47. https://doi.org/10.26565/2220-7929-2019-55-03