The stages of the negotiations on a dynastic union in the practice of Byzantine diplomacy

  • Константин Бардола Kharkiv National University named after V. N. Karazin
Keywords: Byzantine Empire, byzantine diplomacy, dynastic marriages


The article discusses the features of the Byzantine «marriage» of diplomacy. The reasons for which the Byzantine diplomats used this practice and the various stages of its adaptation. It is concluded
that in the international arena representatives of Byzantine diplomacy actively pursued negotiations on dynastic alliances, but hesitated with the conclusion and performance of the «marriage» contracts. The
main reason for this policy is determined by the features of the social character of the imperial power.



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How to Cite
Бардола, К. (2018). The stages of the negotiations on a dynastic union in the practice of Byzantine diplomacy. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series History, (53), 17-25. Retrieved from