Analysis of the influence of technogenic facilities of the Lysychansk-Rubizhne industrial hub on the ecological state of the natural environment

Keywords: ecological state, industrial hub, technogenic impact, pollutants, soil, groundwater, surface water, natural environment, geological environment


Formulation of the problem. The paper is devoted to the study of the ecological state of the natural environment components in connection with the impact of technogenic facilities of the Lysychansk-Rubizhne industrial hub.

The purpose of the paper is to analyze the technogenic impact of the Lysychansk-Rubizhne industrial hub on the natural environment components.

Materials and methods. The natural environment components data including atmospheric air, soil, surface water, groundwater from the Regional Report on the natural environment state in Luhansk region were used and analyzed.

The total pollution index was calculated to determine the level of soil contamination in the areas of biggest technogenic impact. The places furthest from the cities with powerful sources of the natural environment pollution are allocated. Mathematical processing of geochemical information was performed on separate samples. The containing of specific chemical elements in the soils of Lysychansk-Rubizhnе industrial hub is calculated. The obtained data were used to calculate the concentration coefficient.

The level of chemical contamination of soils as an indicator of adverse effect on public health is determined by following indicators:

1) the chemical substance concentration coefficient (Kc), which is determined by the ratio of its actual containing in the soil (C) to the background containing (Cb);

2) the total pollution index (Zc), which is equal to the sum of the concentration coefficients of chemical elements.

Results. As a result of the study, it was found that the territory of the Lysychansk-Rubizhne industrial hub is still under a huge technogenic impact, despite the closure of many enterprises. Abandoned settling tanks, sludge collectors, spoil tips, landfills of various industrial wastes and other are one of the main sources of the natural environment pollution today.

The ecological state of the natural environment components (atmosphere, surface water, soil and groundwater) is described in the paper. Quite positive changes are observed only in the situation with atmospheric air. The tendency to reduce emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere is associated with the liquidation of industrial enterprises over the past 20 years. The state of other natural environment components remains unsatisfactory: surface water, soil and groundwater are contaminated with heavy metals, petroleum products, nitrates, nitrites, etc. (the nature of the pollutants depends on the nearby technogenic facilities). It is noted that these technogenic facilities lose their waterproofing over the years, so they are currently sources of pollutant migration to the natural environment.

Scientific novelty and practical significance. An integral assessment of the Lysychansk-Rubizhne industrial hub impact on the natural environment components, which allowed us to talk about the different degree of technogenic impact and different influence factors, is the scientific novelty of the study. The different genesis of pollution in the given area is proved. It is established that there is an infiltration from the surface on the left bank and pollution of deep origin on the right bank.

The long-term forecasts of changes in the ecological state of the Lysychansk-Rubizhne industrial hub territory are given as practical use of the obtained results. It is proposed to carry out continuous monitoring of the natural environment for a more detailed study of the environmental situation.


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Author Biographies

Nina Mikhalkova, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD student, Department of Hydrogeology

Alina Kononenko, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD (Geology), Associate Professor, Department of Hydrogeology

Igor Udalov, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

DSc (Geology), Professor, Head of the Department of Hydrogeology


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How to Cite
Mikhalkova, N., Kononenko, A., & Udalov, I. (2022). Analysis of the influence of technogenic facilities of the Lysychansk-Rubizhne industrial hub on the ecological state of the natural environment. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series "Geology. Geography. Ecology", (56), 225-239.